You have to use mature defense to be a cool golfer
You have to use mature defense to be a cool golfer
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There may be readers who may not understand when it comes to defense mechanisms (防禦機制).
In this case, it is rather clear to use English words. As you change the terms used in psychology to Chinese characters, you may not be able to understand the meaning right away.
The defense mechanism is called 'defence mechanism' in English. How about it? Did you understand it more easily? According to the Korean dictionary, the defense mechanism is 'an adaptive behavior that is automatically taken to defend yourself in the face of a scary or unpleasant situation or dissatisfaction'. To put it simply, it refers to a word or action that is not intended to hurt the heart.
Freud was the first person who came up with the idea of defense mechanisms in psychology. Was it Sigmund Freud who wrote "Introduction to Psychoanalysis," a famous book that we know? It's similar. It's Anna Freud, her daughter.
Kim Yong-joon, a professional baseball player, only found out this time. He said he should write his name as he calls it locally, not as Anna Freud. As Ana Freud is Austrian, she should call him that. She also learned that Ana Freud established the defense mechanism while summarizing the research results left by her father.
When do we use defense mechanisms the most? If you picked playing golf, you would say you are a true lover. And the answer is yes.
Please advise if there is a place where the reader has used more defense mechanisms than when playing golf. Kim Yong-joon, a professional, can't recall ever using more defense mechanisms for other things.
The example of using defense mechanisms in golf is endless. They usually come up with defense mechanisms even before the round starts. One of the most common things is to say, "No, I'm practicing cowardly."
Is there a golfer who hasn't mentioned this to another player who came first and is warming up on the putting green? "I drank late yesterday, so I don't know if I can hit the ball today." It's in the same vein as saying, "I was worried about my friend's face because I had a red face. What! Have you ever been cheeky to see him hit the ball well? "You have to give me more handicaps since I drove here" is a national defense mechanism that comes out when you come with him.
When the round starts, this defense mechanism is close to acting cute. From the first hole tee shot to the last hole putting, the player throws out countless defense mechanisms. Some of them undermine themselves. Has anyone not heard of "handicaps are like cockroaches and come out everywhere?" Even golfers who are playing incredibly smoothly tend to say this.
This is even the case when you're hoping that you might record a lifetime best. When you make a mistake and your expectations are brutally broken, you put on the smoke screen in advance to be less offended.
Lowering oneself in this way is a gentle defense mechanism. It is said that excessive humility is not a virtue, though. The problem is the crooked defense mechanism. Any golfer with a little experience will know what an example is. A typical example is blaming a caddie for advising on the break when the putting is wrong. If you get angry at your caddie in such a case, you hurt others to defend yourself.
Psychology calls such a crooked defense mechanism an "immature defense mechanism." Breaking golf rules knowingly is also a crooked defense mechanism.
What if you break the rules and try to get the handicap you were guaranteeing? You may be able to avoid being hurt right away. But in the long run, it's a loss. It goes without saying that when you are caught cheating, you will be disappointed. How do you know so well? Hmmm! I guess so. Professionals Kim never uses tricks even on days when they can't play. If you have other excuses, you can't!
If there is an immature defense mechanism, is there an "immature defense mechanism"?
Yes, the coolest thing is altruistic words or actions. These are the words and actions you make in hopes that other players will do well. It means that you are trying to help others to avoid being hurt by your lack of skills or failure to go your way on the day. 카지노
Isn't it so gentle and cool? I can't believe I can cheer for my "compete" who is doing well! Instead of getting angry that my shots aren't working out well. Another thing with a mature defense mechanism is to be positive. Like when you're comforting yourself by saying, "I'll focus on the second half and make a handicap." Defensive mechanisms come out without your knowledge. Still, it's a cool golfer who makes a habit of using mature defense mechanisms. It's not just for you. I promise you I'll try harder, too.
If you have anything you want to talk about golf with Kim Yong-joon, please send an e-mail. This is Gmail ironsmithkim.